You know, I thought about changing the title from its default one but as I sat and thought of possible titles for my first post, nothing was coming to mind. In fact, I wondered what my first post should even be about. Do I just jump in and write what’s on my mind? Do I get down to business and start answering some of the many homeschool questions I get? Do I introduce myself… wait, that’s what the “About me” page is supposed to be right?
It’s been almost 10 years since I’ve had my website live. At the time I had a house full of littles and was in the deep trenches of homeschooling and motherhood. I’ve had other things going on; my FB page, my Instagram account, and most recently my YouTube channel, but writing has always been what I loved. I can do it anytime, at the park, in the car, at 2 am when I really should be sleeping.
My kiddos are older and so am I, and even though I’m still fully in the swing of homeschooling I felt it was time to bring my blog back. I’ve gained a boatload of experience and understanding and I wanted a place where I could share my wins, my struggles, and all I’ve learned along the way. My goal is that this will become a place for others to come and gain some insight and find community as they travel along their homeschool journey. As I pondered all this, the title “Hello world” was looking more and more appropriate.
So on that note, Hello world, and welcome to Our Blissful Chaos! My name is Omega and I’m a homeschooling mom of four. I’ve been at this since 2010 when my oldest was just about to turn five. I’ve gone through many phases as a homeschool mom. I’ve learned, grown, and adapted with each of my kids. It hasn’t always been easy and I don’t always do it so gracefully. There’s been, and still can be times of self-doubt and worry about whether I’m doing enough. Along with that are the endless days and nights of research into education, child development, all the random topics my kids are interested in, as well as my own continued personal development. But I persevere because I have an idea of what I want for my kids, and what I want our lives to look like. I let that vision be my guide and embrace the chaos.