Our Blissful Chaos

A Homeschool Journey

About me

I’m a homeschool mom to four wildly wonderful kiddos.

“In the endeavor to cultivate a love of learning, remember to cherish the joys of childhood” 

~ Embracing the Chaos ~

I’ve gone through many phases as a homeschool mom. I learned, grew, and adapted with each of my kids. It hasn’t always been easy I don’t always do it so gracefully. There’s been, and still can be times of self-doubt and worry about whether I’m doing enough. Along with endless days and nights of research into education, child development, all the random topics my kids are interested in, as well my own continued personal development. But I persevere because I have an idea of what I want for my kids, and what I want our lives to look like. I let that vision be my guide and embrace the chaos.